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Monday, 18 December 2017

SPAR Group Ltd supports “Boots on the Ground” in Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park

For the 4th year SPAR supported the boots on the ground buy recognising the contribution made by these field staff to the securing of our natural heritage and their continued fight against poaching of all. These staff are the thin green line protecting our parks, they do not often receive recognition for their work but are often criticised when things go wrong.

The Hluhluwe Conservation Manager and Section Rangers responded by thanking SPAR and the Hluhluwe Hilltop Honorary Officer Group who work with SPAR, highlighting that the generous hampers go a long way in uplifting the moral and commitment, especially of the law enforcement personnel who carry on with this onerous task at hand, highlighting that these hampers also improve the families moral with all the goodies that they take home in these tough economic times.

Monday, 31 July 2017

World Rhino Day 2017

Today is world ranger day support those supporting your rangers . You can support the Hilltop Honorary officers by selecting us as one of your MySchool, MyVillage, Myplanet, programmes. Simply swipe when you shop at Woolworths, Engens, Waltons u don't pay more the participating stores donate from your purchase for more information , to add use as a beneficary or to sign up go to -  www.hilltophonoraryofficers.org.za (click donation tab) or sign up online myschool.co.za Thank you in advance.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Please consider applying for this card, to assist the Hluhluwe Hilltop Honorary Officers who.

Did you know it takes less than 67 minutes to get a MySchool card?

Please consider applying for this card, to assist the Hluhluwe Hilltop Honorary Officers who.
• Support the Ezemvelo staff – especially in these difficult times – doing Maintenance and funding Training where no funds or skills exist.
• Conduct anti-poaching Night Patrols supporting the Front line staff.
• Are trying to collect to purchase very expensive Thermal night vision equipment to help pick up Poachers even on very dark nights.

Importantly this costs you nothing, All you do is swipe your card when you purchase at Engen shop, Walton’s or Woolworths and they donate to the cause.

If you already have one you can put three beneficiaries.

Fill in your application today !

Online application -https://www.myschool.co.za/supporter/apply/ or (printable application) http://hilltophonoraryofficers.org.za/Donations/

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Support Hilltop Honorary Officers - myschool / my plant card

Support Hilltop Honorary officers by selecting us as one of your MySchool, MyVillage, Myplanet, programmes. Simply swipe when you shop at Woolworths, Engens, Waltons u don't pay more the participating stores donate from your purchase for more information , to add use as a beneficary or to sign up go to - www.hilltophonoraryofficers.org.za (click donation tab), application forms to please be sent to admin@ hilltophonoraryofficers.org.za. Thank you in advance.